Have you ever thought about how people are divided into several categories, such as identity politics, when all cultural groups feel that their members are attacked, abused, harassed and discriminated against to some extent? At the same time, whether people admit it or not, whether governments hide it or not, the fact remains that people are diverse in terms of gender, social class, ethnicity, race, language, ability and disability, etc.
Cultural diversity creates both opportunities and challenges for achieving this goal. This situation is prompting institutions, researchers and the public to think about how to bring people together and collaborate to address the challenges faced by almost everybody. For instance, UNESCO has agenda 2030 under the project as a Sustainable Development Goal 4 focuses on education and aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
It can be assumed that all projects can extend to how people react to this reality of cultural difference and how they choose to live with it. That is why the mission of the Multicultural Centre Brusinka is focusing on two key strategies: creating an inclusive learning environment and connecting people through education and culture.
The first key strategy is focusing on creating an inclusive learning environment. The Multicultural Centre Brusinka is helping foreigners in the Czech Republic, to bring people together through education and culture.
We are aiming at creating adapted, multifunctional and socially integrated learning spaces, which potentially facilitate the integration and adaptation of students of the Multicultural Center Brusinka with ASD, ADD, ADHD, psychological and other health, personal and learning problems.
In 2023, we also started offering programs for children's homes, which help children with social adaptation, integration, as well as the development of creative thinking and potential. You can read more about it here.
The second key strategy is focusing on connecting people through education and culture. It is well-known that the language is another example of cultural differences that can be seen as significant or insignificant. For many people, language (especially a language other than their mother tongue) is merely a tool for communication. Languages (especially the mother tongue) shape the ways in which people interpret, understand and communicate with the world.
Thus, the Multicultural Center Brusinka, the representatives of any culture and language is able to organize their own workshops in Brno on our premises and present their knowledge and background specifics to the wider local public. For sure you are able to arrange even a team building with us. We create an open, safe space for mutual acquaintance and understanding between Czech citizens and people of other nationalities, cultures and ethnicities.
As an American writer, Suzy Kassem, once said, “Build bridges, not walls".
Thus, we are inviting you all to experience the richness of multicultural events with Multicultural Center Brusinka by visiting our main webpage.
Author: Mgr. Mariia Svyrydova