The Multicultural Center was opened in Brno in August 2020. In general, multicultural centers are an important element in creating an open, respectful and inclusive society where individuals from all cultural and ethnic groups have the opportunity to fully participate and contribute to the common good.
Many foreigners actually live and work in Brno. Brno is an important university city and also the seat of many companies and institutions, which attracts people from different parts of the world. The city is known for its cultural atmosphere, historical monuments and diverse events, which can be attractive to people from different cultures.

Multicultural centers play an important role in modern societies, serving as a platform to promote and celebrate cultural diversity. They help create understanding, respect and tolerance between different communities.
Another benefits:
Integration and Inclusion for an environment where individuals from all cultural and ethnic groups can find support and assistance in integrating into a new society. They help reduce barriers and create an inclusive environment.
Education and awareness in multicultural centers serve as an educational resource for the public. They provide information about different cultures, traditions, languages and history, which contributes to better understanding and mutual respect.
Arts and Culture: the centers organize cultural events, festivals, exhibitions and other events that promote the arts and culture of different communities. This can provide opportunities for artists, while also bringing joy and refreshment to the public.
Advice and support: Multicultural centers provide advice and support in areas such as minority rights, immigration and other social and cultural issues. This is especially important for individuals who may feel vulnerable in a new environment.
Networking and community building between different cultures. This can be key to promoting social integration and enabling positive relationships.
Conflict prevention: centers provide space for dialogue and understanding between different communities, which can help prevent conflicts and tensions linked to cultural differences.
Europe values cultural diversity and considers it an enriching element of society. Connecting cultures in the European context is therefore based on the effort to create an inclusive and respectful community that values diversity and seeks ways to share and enrich each other through cultural exchange. An important point for our center is international cooperation between civil and non-profit organizations, activists and citizens across different regions of the world.
Connecting the interests of different nations is very important for the Multicultural Center Brusinka. We take into account that the European values of connecting cultures are based on fundamental principles that emphasize respect for human rights, cultural diversity and democracy. We place great emphasis on respect for human rights, including the right to freedom of expression, religious freedom, equality, support and protection of minorities.
The Multicultural Center in Brno is a member of the CIVICUS global alliance. It is a non-governmental organization that focuses on strengthening civil society and promoting the rights of citizens around the world.
In addition, we are a member of the Czech Network to Protect Democracy, which defends constitutionality and human rights against threats of all kinds. From our point of view, democracy plays a key role in connecting cultures. Democracy emphasizes citizen participation and equality before the law. In doing so, it enables individuals to actively engage in social issues regardless of their cultural background. The equal status of all citizens and mutual understanding promotes integration and connection between cultures.
If you have an idea for a workshop, do not hesitate to write to us with a short description of the topic and the form of the presentation. It can be a lecture, culinary, art, dance workshop, exhibition, fair. Come up with your ideas!